Raasay Wood Fuel
Using local “Raasay Larch” felled by Forestry and Land Scotland the Wood Fuel project aims to reduce fuel poverty and our carbon footprint by providing our residents with reduced cost wood to heat their homes. Using locally sourced wood also reduces the emissions from transportation and provides security of supply.
All orders are prepared by volunteers and the money raised supports Raasay’s local development trust.
Pop into The Pit on Saturday mornings to find out more or volunteer.

Orders can be placed through the Raasay Wood Facebook Page or by emailing Elizabeth Taggart at raasaydevelopmenttrust@gmail.com
The costs are as follows:
Residents/non-commercial £55
Non-residents/commercial £75
Bags of logs are also available from Raasay Community Stores.
If you wish to pay by cash/cheque, please hand this over on delivery.
Payment can also be made by bank transfer: email Elizabeth at raasaydevelopmenttrust@gmail.com for the details.
In association with

Isle of Raasay

Raasay.com is managed by Raasay Development Trust (RDT) on behalf of the Raasay community.
Photos credits: Calum Gillies :: David Carslaw :: Hannah Moore :: Copywriting: Linsay MacLean